T.O. Grooming Show May 2-4, 2025 Acton Arena 415 Queen St Acton, ON
Open (A Division):
Open to all competitors. Recommended for groomers with advanced styling skills, previous successful competition experience and professional conformation show exhibitors with expert styling skills. Only placements from the “A Division” will count towards Groom Team Canada Points.
Intermediate (B Division):
Restricted to competitors who have not won 3 Best in Show or 3 Best All Around Groomer titles from the Intermediate division or six 1st placements from the Intermediate division at any show (with a minimum of four contestants entered and judged in the class for the win to qualify). Recommended for groomers with Intermediate styling skills or conformation show ring exhibitors (Have groomed and handled a breed to champion).
Novice (C Division):
Restricted to competitors who have not won four 1st placements from the entry division at any show (with a minimum of four contestants entered and judged in the class for the win to qualify). Recommended for groomers who have never competed before and/or possess novice-grooming skills. Handlers, conformation show exhibitors, and grooming instructors are not permitted to compete in the Entry (Novice) division. This does not apply to new handlers who have not handled a breed to championship.
Photos: Before and After pictures will be mandatory for all contest classes (except Abstract Runway and Model Dogs).
Equipment: Tables and arms will be provided to the first 20 competitors to register in each class. After the 20 spots are filled, we will still accept entries, but you will have to provide your own table.
Bathing/Prepping: There are no bathing/prep facilities on site, but local groomer Angela Menard has generously offered her nearby salon to competitors for a small fee. Email torontopoodlegirl@gmail.com to make your reservation.
Contest Entries are unlimited, but entry fees increase 25% after April 6th, and 50% after April 25th. Changes and/or cancellations are subject to a $15 service charge.
Acceptable Growth for all Regular Classes: 6 weeks growth and preferably no visible pattern is recommended, however the judges recognize that some coats grow more quickly than others. Adequate coat, therefore, will be defined as follows: all dogs should have sufficient coat to allow the groomer to make a distinct change in the dogs appearance.
Competition Dog Qualifications
- Must be of an age appropriate for competition. Although each dog is individual, the suggested appropriate age is between approximately 1 year and 10 years.
- Must appear healthy, in good condition and free of infectious disease and parasites
- Must not show obvious signs of pregnancy or nursing
- Must not show signs of viciousness or aggression
- Must be under control at all times
- Must not be left unattended
- Must be properly crated and cared for with food, water and exercise while on the show premises
- Must be leashed when not crated or not being groomed
- Dogs should be clean, dry, and free of mats and tangles. Nails should be clipped and/or filed, and ears clean. Sanitary and pads may be clipped prior to competition.
Product Applications
- Decorative objects such as bows and scarves are not permitted with the exception of acceptable show ring applications such as those that are applied to the Maltese, Yorkie and Shih Tzu. (Exception Asian-Style Class)
- Colouring other than to enhance the natural coat colour of the dog is prohibited (Except Asian-Style Class)
- Hair extensions provided they are of the same coat color of the dog are permitted and may be applied prior to the competition time frame (Poodle Class).
- Product such as sprays and styling gels may be applied prior to or during the competition time frame. Hair spray is limited to only “freshening up” once time is called. Re-shaping such as that done on a show Poodle head piece may not be done once time is called.
- Chalk, such as terrier chalk may be applied prior to or during the competition time frame to aid in hand stripping or enhance the coat color but must not rub off on the judges hands.
Confirmation that dog is entered in correct class, has sufficient coat growth and evaluate preparation, time frame by size, breed or technique, and correct division. Determine if pattern is pre-set, and notation of specific information such as , but not limited to: ear infections, missing coat, moles, scars or injuries.
Contestants should remove hair, tools and equipment from the grooming table. A comb should be placed on the table. Contestants may comb their dogs after scissors down, prior to and after judging. Contestants should stack and present their dogs to the judges.
- The overall uniformity of the trim; it should look like it grows that way and not applied upon the dog
- The overall balance, symmetry and style of the trim
- For pure breed dogs, the adherence to the acceptable breed profile and standard
- For Freestyle classes, the ability of the groomer to create the best possible profile for the dog chosen according to his/her body type, coat and structure
- For scissored dogs, the plush overall appearance without scissor-marks and proper technique
- For hand stripped and carded dogs, the smooth and natural appearance and proper technique
- All clipper lines should blend and show no definition or marks
- Edges such as in the cocker foot or poodle foot should show neat and tidy bevels
- The difficulty with regard to the amount of coat removed, whether pattern is created or followed, difficulty of the coat type, texture, quality and quantity and how the stylist achieves the ultimate trim
- The difficulty with regard to correcting conformation faults and accentuating profile attributes
The judges will choose 3 placements in each of 3 divisions, provided sufficient eligible competitors are entered. The judges’ decisions will be final and binding. Awards will not be withheld unless there is a specific disqualifying factor.
All placement winners are required to have a Win Picture taken with the Class Judges by our official photographer. All other competitors desiring photos are encouraged to do so.
All 1st place winners of official classes are eligible to return on Sunday for the Best in Division awards ceremony. If you are unable to return, please let show management know so that the 2nd place winner may be given the option to participate.
Professional image, conduct, skill, application
- Contestants late for any class will not be permitted to compete if the contest has started and will forfeit any class entry fees.
- All contestants must provide their own dogs and equipment.
- Coaching from ringside is forbidden. Violators will be disqualified from the competition and the offending spectator(s) will be asked to leave the showground.
- Professional manner and attitude, and good sportsmanship must be maintained at all times.
- Contestants must maintain a safe styling station, practise kind and safe handling techniques, and dogs must not be left unattended at any time.
- Contestants must apply technical skills with safety. Nicks, cuts and clipper irritation are considered unsafe technical applications.
- Professional conduct should also be carried into the care and responsibility of your contest dog at the event venue, hotel grounds, rooms and property.
- Appropriate grooming attire and shoes must be worn at all times (open toe shoes not permitted).
- All grooming equipment must be removed from the ring after the class competition unless you are in the next competition.
- Competitors mis-entering or fraudulently entering a class for which they are not eligible will be required to forfeit all titles and return any prize money, prizes, trophies, plaques, ribbons, etc., to the Show Management.
Contestants may receive warnings or notifications of unprofessional behavior to include, image, conduct, skill application, unsafe grooming station, handling etc. a second warning could result in dismissal from the class. A third could result in dismissal from the show.
The TOGS Show Committee and Judges reserve the right to make final decisions in resolving any issues that may arise that are not covered by the rules.
Any grievance or complaint regarding a contestant, judge or audience member must be filed with the competition ring steward and/or show management immediately following the incident.
In the event a competitor wishes to challenge the eligibility of another competitor or their dog, verbal protest must be made to the head ring steward prior to the start of the class.
It is each competitor’s responsibility to read and understand the rules. If you have any questions, please contact show management at info@togroomingshow.com for clarification, or phone Michelle Jessop at (416) 708-8565.